I’ve been abandoned by and to my fate.

The minute I was born, one of the three

Was there to make a plaything out of me.

An it, a he, a she? I don’t know much

About their sex and other habits, such

As do they have one, do they propagate?


If no, how did their kind originate?

Before the Bang, were they already there?

Well, no, the place was absolutely bare.

Well then, its fair to ask, were they conceived

Somewhat the same as you, care they received

The same kind you had through a nine month wait?


Or were they shaped by mind alone?--no mate

Nor any kind of foreplay. And were they

Looked out for forever and a day,

Or fully finished as in days of yore--

As was Athena from the head of Thor?

Excuse me, Zeus, our records indicate


That you’re Top Dog, the Greatest of the Great.

Though, with respect, we know you’re all the same

['A rose were just as sweet by any name'].

The names we call you by get intertwined,

They don’t exactly make no never mind,

It pretty much depends on place and date.


But mortals have to stand around and wait.

Your future’s in the Book--be glad or mourn.

First Klotho threads the loom the day you’re born,

Atropos weaves away until you’re dead,

Lachesis keeps the clock and snips the thread.

The deck is stacked, the facts beyond debate.


But even if you knew it, it’s too late

To do you any good. Those ladies know

What’s coming and the Gods do too, could show

You but not they nor you can alter it.

You’re off the hook. You’re not at fault for it

Was meant to be, your Destiny, your Fate.


* “Klotho spun the thread at the beginning of one's life,

Atropos wove the thread into the fabric of one's actions,

and Lachesis snipped the thread at the conclusion of one's life.

The process was absolutely unalterable,

and gods as well as men and women had to submit to it.

Then as now the concept of predestination presented the usual paradoxes,

since if from one's birth he or she was destined to commit a crime,

then punishment for the crime, itself preordained,

place good and evil beyond human control.

Yet the Erinyes unfailingly fulfilled their function

in a kind of obbligato to the inexorable hum

of the spindle and thwack of the loom.

For all the claims made for the immutability of fate,

there were a few questionable instances

in which destinies appeared to be altered.”

2010 aug 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 sep 5 6 mon d fulgham

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